Membership, CFC, and Calendar Reminder!

As-salaamu Alaykum Dear Community:

We’re approaching the end of the year and so we have 3 announcements:

1. NOW is the time – to renew your MCC membership!

Renewal of your membership is done by paying your annual dues ($100 for single membership and $200 for family).

  • If you are paying cash/check please fill out a membership/renewal form, which can be found in the hallway near the MCC Admin. Office, and turn it in along with your payment in person to Sister Gulshan or Br. Abdullah.
  • If you are paying by card, please visit then select MCC Membership Dues, and follow the prompts to add your details – including your email address. You can also pay by card at any of the payment Kiosks at MCC.

If you have questions on membership reach out to

2. MCC 2025 calendars are available in the office for $5 each. They are free for current MCC members.

3. We’re urging all Federal Employees to consider making your Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) donation to the Muslim Community Center. 

To make your donation through CFC,use the MCC campaign number 21695.

Thank you in advance for your donation.