Tel: (301) 384-3454 — Email: — Address: 15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905


Welcome to the Muslim Community Center (MCC) of Silver Spring, Maryland—a vibrant hub where faith meets community, service, and understanding. Established over four decades ago, MCC has grown into more than just a place of worship; it’s a sanctuary for cultural exchange, educational growth, and spiritual nurturing. Rooted in Islamic values, we are committed to fostering a welcoming environment for everyone, reflecting our dedication to inclusivity, community support, and active engagement.

Our Story

The vision for our community center began in September 1976, and by May 1981, the Muslim Community Center was dedicated and opened. Since then, it has grown into a nationally recognized Islamic center.

Our Vision

We strive to offer services and programs that benefit the wider community. We are also a volunteer-managed, non-profit organization, established under the laws of the State of Maryland, and exempt from church regulations. While the area’s Muslim population utilizes most of our services, we are dedicated to serving all human beings, regardless of faith, color, origin, or creed.
We are community-supported and do not accept funding with strings attached from special interest groups, foreign governments, or political parties. Our affairs are governed by member-approved bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. The management includes a nine-member Board of Directors and a five-member Board of Trustees. Our members annually elect three directors for a three-year term each and one trustee for a five-year term on a rotational basis. A general body meeting is held yearly, where every member in good standing has the right to vote on our affairs. Additional town hall and interim general body meetings may be called before the annual meeting.

Our Mission

Our mission clearly outlines our organizational duties to promote friendly relations and understanding between the Muslim community and the general public, and to disseminate information on Islamic principles. We pray to the Almighty that He provides us with the resources and strength to fulfill our mission of bringing peace to the world by serving all human beings, irrespective of their choice of faith.
We aim to promote brotherhood and human dignity among all by fostering an environment of understanding, compassion, and justice in both personal and professional life. We aim to serve the needs of the Muslim community and the broader community in a manner that promotes a positive image and standing in a changing environment. Additionally, we represent the Muslim community in interfaith circles, government, public and media relations, and society at large.

Our Team

Behind every activity and service at the Muslim Community Center is our dedicated team, comprising the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors. These individuals are pivotal to our masjid’s daily operations, from overseeing religious programs and education to maintaining the premises and welcoming the community.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the oversight of Muslim Community Center’s assets and financial transactions, including investments. They are also tasked with approving the annual budget proposed by the Board of Directors, overall strategic planning, and oversight of the clinic.
Sabir Rahman (Chair)Najma KhanMohammed ShamimAkram ZahoorShama Bano

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the Muslim Community Center. They are tasked with submitting annual plans and quarterly reports to the Board of Trustees, implementing activities consistent with our mission, maintaining and operating facilities, preparing annual budgets for approval by the Board of Trustees and active members, and conducting annual general body meetings.
To learn more about the principles that guide our actions and commitments, we invite you to explore the Bylaws of the Muslim Community Center. This document, approved by active members, serves as the foundation for our endeavors. Whether you’re a member of our community or a visitor interested in understanding more about our governance and objectives, these bylaws provide insight into the structure and spirit that drive our collective efforts.

All donations to the MCC are tax-exempt due to our nonprofit status. Additionally, we are part of the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area, with an assigned CFC number of 21695.

About Us

Muslim Community Center is a mosque located in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, where all are welcome. Join us!
Our Mission: To promote brotherhood and human dignity among all by developing an environment of understanding, compassion, and justice in personal and professional life; serve the needs of the Muslim community and community at-large in a manner that promotes its positive image and standing in a changing environment; and represent the Muslim community in interfaith circles, in government, public and media relations, and in the society at-large.
© 2024 Muslim Community Center. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905
Tel: (301) 384-3454

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