The Muslim Community Center provides comprehensive funeral services, adhering to Islamic traditions to support the Muslim community. Our services are coordinated by a dedicated team who can be contacted as detailed below for immediate assistance:For MCC Funeral services, please contact (in order of first contact):
- Primary Contact: Sh. Mohamed Abdullahi :: MCC: 301-384-3454 :: Cell: 703.973.3096 :: Email:
- Br. Syed Hussain, Chairman :: Cell: 301-580-6663 :: Email: &
- Br. Hassan Idris :: Cell: 301-537-8731 :: Email:
- Br. Masood Karzai :: Cell: 202-550-5557 :: Email:
- Br. Nehal Shah :: Cell: 301-704-6360 :: Email:
To inform our community about the funeral process, MCC has prepared detailed guidelines, which include a list of cemeteries, funeral homes, and Masjids in the Washington, DC area.
- Click here to see the Islamic Funeral Guidelines.
- Click here to see the MCC Funeral Guidelines with a list of Cemeteries and Funeral Homes.
Please note that MCC does not have any cemetery lots for sale. We recommend contacting cemeteries directly to purchase lots. Financial assistance may be available from Masjids for needy families to help with funeral expenses.We are committed to continually improving our services and welcome any suggestions or feedback at