Tel: (301) 384-3454 — Email: — Address: 15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905


Registration is now open! Please click here to register after reading through the parent contract thoroughly.

The mission of the MCC Sunday School is to develop and preserve the Islamic character of our youth by establishing their knowledge and love of the Quran and Sunnah; strengthening their hearts with iman and taqwa; and inspiring them to apply this knowledge to their daily lives.

Children are both the present and the future of any community. Our efforts at the MCC Weekend School include developing curriculum and employing highly-skilled teaching and administrative staff to provide a positive and caring Islamic learning environment. The school serves students ranging from Kindergarten through high school and generally follows the Montgomery County Public Schools calendar.

Our instructional day is equally divided into two parts – one period for Quran instruction and one for Islamic Studies. The Quran portion of the program begins with mastery of the Qaaidah Nooriniyah to ensure that students become fluent in Arabic letter recognition and makhaarij, proper pronunciation. From there students learn the rules of tajweed in order to read the Quran accurately and in the beautiful manner in which it is prescribed. The Islamic Studies portion of the program is anchored in the Weekend Learning Publishers textbook series aligned with a student’s age. Teachers are well equipped with state-of-the-art resources, creative activities and a depth of understanding about Islamic principles and practices which help to guide not only learning about the religion but the motivation to live it.

Students are also offered a lunch and recess break which enables and encourages them to socialize and develop friendships with other Muslim children. In addition, classes taught by the imam and guest lecturers on a wide variety of topics are offered to parents and members of the community during school hours. The sum total demonstrates our commitment to the spiritual health of the entire family and to life-long opportunities to learn about the deen and implement it in our everyday lives.

Contact Information
Weekend School Principal :: Sr. Rakhi Hayat:
Weekend School Office Manager :: Br. Zia Wali:

You can also email for help with any questions.

Office Hours: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm – when school is in session.
You can pay fees and pick up books during this time.

You can pay fees and pick up books during office hours.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.

About Us

Muslim Community Center is a mosque located in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, where all are welcome. Join us!
Our Mission: To promote brotherhood and human dignity among all by developing an environment of understanding, compassion, and justice in personal and professional life; serve the needs of the Muslim community and community at-large in a manner that promotes its positive image and standing in a changing environment; and represent the Muslim community in interfaith circles, in government, public and media relations, and in the society at-large.
© 2024 Muslim Community Center. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905
Tel: (301) 384-3454

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