Tel: (301) 384-3454 — Email: — Address: 15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905


We invite you to contribute to the Muslim Community Center by becoming a registered member. With different membership types available, you can engage in a way that aligns with your unique situation and interests.

All membership contributions directly support our operating expenses and are non-refundable. Annual dues are payable on the first day of each calendar year. To be eligible for voting in annual general body meetings, membership must be renewed by February 15th of that year. Dues may be prorated for new members and can sometimes be paid in installments. Dues waivers may be available upon request.

If you allow your membership to lapse for a year or more and wish to rejoin, you’ll need to pay the current year’s dues and wait a year to gain voting rights and eligibility to hold elected office.

By becoming a member, you are contributing to the growth and sustainability of our community and gaining the opportunity to shape its future.

Initiate your membership by filling out this form. You may also print out the membership application form and mail it or give it to the MCC front office with the appropriate fee – checks can be made payable to MCC. Please contact the Membership Committee if you do not know two current members at Former members can renew membership here.

Membership types include:

Benefits of being an active member include:


We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to continue to offer several programs and services. If you have some time and would like to help, please fill out this form and someone will contact you when opportunities that fit your profile arise.

A limited number of non-religious volunteer activities qualify for Student Service Learning hours learning hours for interested middle or high school students. Following the activity, SSL volunteers need to fill out two forms:

For additional information, please contact

About Us

Muslim Community Center is a mosque located in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, where all are welcome. Join us!
Our Mission: To promote brotherhood and human dignity among all by developing an environment of understanding, compassion, and justice in personal and professional life; serve the needs of the Muslim community and community at-large in a manner that promotes its positive image and standing in a changing environment; and represent the Muslim community in interfaith circles, in government, public and media relations, and in the society at-large.
© 2024 Muslim Community Center. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905
Tel: (301) 384-3454

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