Tel: (301) 384-3454 — Email: — Address: 15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905


Weekend School

Registration for the MCC Sunday School is now open. Please register after thoroughly reading the parent contract.

The school aims to nurture Islamic character in youth by teaching Quran and Sunnah, fostering iman and taqwa, and encouraging the application of Islamic principles in daily life. Serving students from Kindergarten to high school, the school follows the Montgomery County Public Schools calendar.

The curriculum is split between Quran instruction and Islamic Studies. Quran lessons focus on mastering Qaaidah Nooriniyah, letter recognition, and tajweed, while Islamic Studies uses the Weekend Learning Publishers textbook series. The program also includes lunch, recess, and educational opportunities for parents and the community.

For inquiries, contact Sr. Rakhi Hayat ( or Br. Zia Wali ( Office hours are 10:00 am to 2:00 pm during school sessions, when fees can be paid and books picked up.

For more details, click here. For frequently asked questions, click here.

Al-Hidayah Institute

The primary focus of the Al-Hidayah Institute is to facilitate and promote Islamic Academic disciplines and community development opportunities at MCC. This will be done by having structured classes in each department focusing on the traditional Quranic, Arabic, and Islamic sciences, as well as relevant programming and seminars. You can read more about AHI here.

Al-Hidayah Institute will begin the Fall semester of the Quran Program for Adults starting Saturday, September 14. To get yourself registered, please click this link.

For any questions or concerns please contact us at

About Us

Muslim Community Center is a mosque located in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, where all are welcome. Join us!
Our Mission: To promote brotherhood and human dignity among all by developing an environment of understanding, compassion, and justice in personal and professional life; serve the needs of the Muslim community and community at-large in a manner that promotes its positive image and standing in a changing environment; and represent the Muslim community in interfaith circles, in government, public and media relations, and in the society at-large.
© 2024 Muslim Community Center. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

15200 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905
Tel: (301) 384-3454

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